A Very Quick Guide To Calculating Big O Computational Complexity

Big O: big picture, broad strokes, not details

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  • way we analyze how efficient algorithms are without getting too mired in details
  • can model how much time any function will take given n inputs
  • interested in order of magnitude of number of the exact figure
  • O absorbs all fluff and n = biggest term
  • Big O of 3x^2 +x + 1 = O(n^2)

Time Complexity

no loops or exit & return = O(1)

0 nested loops = O(n) 1 nested loops = O(n^2) 2 nested loops = O(n^3) 3 nested loops = O(n^4)

recursive: as you add more terms, increase in time as you add input diminishes recursion: when you define something in terms of itself, a function that calls itself

  • used because of ability to maintain state at diffferent levels of recursion
  • inherently carries large footprint
  • every time function called, you add call to stack

iterative: use loops instead of recursion (preferred) - favor readability over performance

O(n log(n)) & O(log(n)): dividing/halving

  • if code employs recursion/divide-and-conquer strategy
  • what power do i need to power my base to get n

Time Definitions

  • constant: does not scale with input, will take same amount of time
  • for any input size n, constant time performs same number of operations every time
  • logarithmic: increases number of operations it performs as logarithmic function of input size n
  • function log n grows very slowly, so as n gets longer, number of operations the algorithm needs to perform doesn’t increase very much
  • halving
  • linear: increases number of operations it performs as linear function of input size n
  • number of additional operations needed to perform grows in direct proportion to increase in input size n
  • log-linear: increases number of operations it performs as log-linear function of input size n
  • looking over every element and doing work on each one
  • quadratic: increases number of operations it performs as quadratic function of input size n
  • exponential: increases number of operations it performs as exponential function of input size n
  • number of nested loops increases as function of n
  • polynomial: as size of input increases, runtime/space used will grow at a faster rate
  • factorial: as size of input increases, runtime/space used will grow astronomically even with relatively small inputs
  • rate of growth: how fast a function grows with input size

Space Complexity

  • How does the space usage scale/change as input gets very large?
  • What auxiliary space does your algorithm use or is it in place (constant)?
  • Runtime stack space counts as part of space complexity unless told otherwise.

Data Structures & Algos In JS